Devotion / Family Worship Guides

Sunday:  Jesus is Risen; He is Risen Indeed!

Directions: Tailor this guide to fit your personal or family devotions. The goal is not to get through all of the passages and questions!  The goal is to spend time in God’s Word and in worshiping Him.  Choose from the passages and questions below.  Add your own questions.  Have fun!!  If you are leading others, you will want to read through the worship guide in advance to prepare. 

Sunday:  Jesus is Risen; He is Risen Indeed!

A. Read Scripture:  Read one or more of the following passages and discuss the questions below

Possible Passages:  Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-49; John 20:1-30

Discussion Questions:

1. Read John 20 for your family worship tonight.  This chapter describes four encounters leading to faith in Jesus Christ.  Peter and John (v.1-10); Mary Magdalene (v.11-18); the disciples without Thomas (v.19-23); and finally, Thomas with the disciples (v.24-29).  Like everything else in John’s Gospel, why did he record these four encounters (see v.30-31)? 

2. How do they find the empty tomb?  How does the beloved disciple respond (v.8)?  The grave clothes were enough to bring John to faith.  John knew three things – 1) None of the disciples took the body.  2) No grave robber had taken the body (and left behind the valuable clothes folded neatly).  3) The Jews hadn’t stolen the body – because the best way to stop Jesus’ followers was to keep the body buried in the tomb.  John saw the grave clothes in the empty tomb and believed. 

3. What does Mary Magdalene assume has happened to Jesus body?  When does Mary recognize Jesus?  Her Shepherd’s voice pierces Mary’s heart, opens her eyes, awakens her faith, and she immediately surrenders herself to Christ.  Her grief gives way to joyful worship.  Matthew (28:10) tells us that she fell down, “took hold of his feet and worshiped him.” 

4. How do the disciples encounter Jesus?  What is their reaction?  What does Jesus say to them? 

“Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” Jesus gives their lives and ours purpose.  This is John’s equivalent of the Great Commission.  Jesus was sent to save the world.  Now they are being sent to bear witness to the work Jesus accomplished.  Their faith must lead to a life lived on mission with Jesus.  “And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’  Jesus not only gives us purpose; He gives us power to accomplish the mission (cf. Luke 24:49) through the Holy Spirit (John 14:17).  This is fulfilled 50 days later on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1ff).  Through faith in Jesus, we have: Peace with God, joy in Christ, purpose in life, and power to live it out!!  AMEN! 

The transformation in the disciples’ lives was undeniable.  What is the undeniable evidence the Risen Jesus has made in your life?

5. When Thomas hears about Jesus’ resurrection from the disciples, what is his response? 

When Jesus appears, what does he invite Thomas to do?  Put yourself in this scene – what do you think this would be like for Thomas?   Jesus invites Thomas to personally investigate….Here’s the proof you wanted.  Stop disbelieving and believe (v.27).  How does he respond to Jesus?  What does Jesus say in response to his humble and joyful worship? 

Thomas was overcome by doubt and skepticism.  He wanted proof, evidence, to be convinced before he would believe. I’m happy this is in the NT because Thomas represents many people in our own day.  His confession gives a climactic illustration of faith.

6. Not only was Thomas’ encounter with the risen Jesus up close, it was personal.  This is something we all need. The disciples couldn’t believe for him.  I can’t believe for you.  Kids, your parents can’t believe for you.  You have to believe for yourself.  How will you respond to Jesus? 

Summary: “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”  Jesus did many signs, of course the greatest is His resurrection.  We don’t need more evidence.  We need to believe the evidence we’ve already been given in God’s Word.  We have the empty tomb and the grave clothes.  We have the radical transformation of the disciples.  We have the spread of faith in a risen Jesus beginning in the very city where he died and was buried.  And we have the eyewitness accounts of multiple people who had seen the risen Jesus (1 Cor 15:1-8).  These things have been written down so you will believe in Jesus Christ and that by believing you may have life in His name. 

B. Singing:  Consider one or more of the following songs

C. Prayer:  Use the Scriptures to guide your prayers of praise and petition. 

Thank you for rising victorious over sin and death.  Thank you for the sure hope of eternal life through faith in you.  Give us a heart that falls at your feet in worship and submits to you in joyful obedience.  Thank you for saving us.  Thank you for giving our lives purpose.  Thank you for giving us the power in the Spirit to accomplish the mission you’ve given us of making disciples.  Thank you that we have peace with God and joy with you.  Thank you for calling us by name.  Increase our faith and faithfulness.  In Jesus’ Name, amen.


Jesus truly is the Messiah.  He took the blame and bore God’s wrath for your sin that you deserved.  He died in your place that you might live.  He did that because He loves you!!  He rose again from the dead proving He has the power to save.  Do you hear Jesus’ voice, the Good Shepherd calling your name?  If so, confess your sin to God. Ask Him to forgive you. Put your faith in Jesus Christ who died for your sins and rose from the dead that you might have eternal life.  Believe and find eternal life in His name. 

Jesus rose victorious over the grave – He defeated sin and death; He destroyed the works of the devil.  If you’ve put your faith in Him, know that He has forgiven you completely and freed you from sin!  He has given you eternal life!  There is nothing and no one that can snatch you out of his hand (John 10:28; 6:37-40).  There is nothing and no one who can condemn you (Rom 8:1-4; 33-39).  There is nothing and no one that you need fear because Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, He is seated at the right hand of God, and He reigns triumphant over all. 

May you follow Christ faithfully in the power of His Spirit.  May you love and serve Him wholeheartedly until He returns or calls you home.  May you rejoice in Jesus Christ, for He is risen – He is risen indeed!! Amen!