Devotion / Family Worship Guides

Saturday: Jesus is in the Tomb Guarded by Roman Soldiers

Directions: Tailor this guide to fit your personal or family devotions. The goal is not to get through all of the passages and questions!  The goal is to spend time in God’s Word and in worshiping Him.  Choose from the passages and questions below.  Add your own questions.  Have fun!!  If you are leading others, you will want to read through the worship guide in advance to prepare. 

Saturday: Jesus is in the Tomb Guarded by Roman Soldiers

A. Read Scripture:  Read one or more of the following passages and discuss the questions below

Possible Passages:  Matthew 27:62-66

Discussion Questions:

1. Where are the disciples at this point on the Sabbath?  What do you suppose they are thinking and feeling?  We don’t know for sure, but most likely they are fearfully hiding behind locked doors just like they were on Sunday evening (John 20:19).  They had devoted themselves to following someone who was just shamefully crucified as a criminal against Israel and Rome.  Their leader has been brutally executed.  Their hopes are in shambles. Their minds are confused; their hearts afraid.  

2. What do the Pharisees and chief priests ask of Pilate?  Why do they want to post a guard around the tomb?  What are they afraid the disciples might do? 

The guard posted was most likely a guard of Roman soldiers not temple police.  First, the religious leaders ask Pilate to “order” or “command” a guard (v.64).  The governor’s order would only be necessary for a Roman guard since the temple police were already at their disposal.  Moreover, the religious leaders later reassure the guards they would satisfy Pilate if he learned of their failure (Matt 28:14-15). This would only be necessary for a Roman guard.

3. How does posting a guard actually work against the idea that the disciples stole the body? How does posting a guard contradict the idea that the disciples went to the wrong tomb? 

Despite holding and having access to all the earthly power, the religious leaders could not contain Jesus or stop the will of God.  Their efforts at prevention and then a cover up story (Matt 28:11-15) fall flat and work against them.  There is no stopping God from accomplishing his plans.  How is this a comfort to us in our own day as we wait for Jesus to return?

4. Read Acts 4:1-20.  How would you describe the disciples as they go toe to toe with the same religious leaders that killed Jesus?  How would you account for the difference in them?  Would they be so bold if they had not spent time with the risen Jesus?  How do they respond to the authorities when commanded to stop proclaiming Jesus? 

5. How does the reality of the resurrection change how we live today?  How should we conduct ourselves now as we wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus? 

Summary:  The disciples are hiding in fear behind locked doors.  They are confused, afraid, and disheartened.  All this would change forever when they meet the risen Lord and Savior Jesus the next day.  The disciples would go from cowards to courageous witnesses.  From fearful to fearless servants of Christ!

B. Singing:  Consider one or more of the following songs

C. Prayer:  Use the Scriptures to guide your prayers of praise and petition. 

Praise you, Jesus, that no tomb could hold you!  Thank you for using even your enemies’ plans to accomplish your purposes and establish the reality of the resurrection.  Praise you, God, that no one can thwart your plans.  Strengthen our faith in that truth.  Make us bold and courageous witnesses in the Spirit’s power because we know you have been raised from the dead!  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.