Devotion / Family Worship Guides

Friday:  Jesus is Arrested, Tried, Flogged, Crucified, and Buried.

Directions: Tailor this guide to fit your personal or family devotions. The goal is not to get through all of the passages and questions!  The goal is to spend time in God’s Word and in worshiping Him.  Choose from the passages and questions below.  Add your own questions.  Have fun!!  If you are leading others, you will want to read through the worship guide in advance to prepare. 

Friday:  Jesus is arrested, tried, flogged, crucified, and buried.

A. Read Scripture:  Read one or more of the following passages and discuss the questions below

Possible Passages:  Matthew 26:47-27:61; Mark 14:43-15:47; Luke 22:47-23:56; John 18:1-19:42

Discussion Questions: Read Luke 23:26-56

1. What did you learn about Jesus in this passage?  What was an “awe” moment for you?

2. It was common for crucified men to plead with or scream at the crowds.  Does Jesus do that?  No.  Instead, He prays.  Who and what does Jesus pray for in verse 34?   What does this teach us? 

This is an amazing glimpse of Jesus!!  In the midst of all their ridicule… all the pain and agony that racked his body… Jesus prays for His enemies’ forgiveness!  Jesus speaks seven times from the cross.  His first words were a prayer to God for the forgiveness of those who crucified Him.  Jesus prays for the soldiers who tortured him. For Pilate who condemned him.  For the religious leaders who conspired to destroy him.  And for the mob who helped them – for they were guilty as well (Acts 2:36; 3:17).  But let’s not forget our part.  It was the sins of the world that brought Jesus to the cross – your sin and mine.  Turn to him by faith and be forgiven!  Jesus intercedes here as our Great High Priest – praying to God on our behalf!!  See & savor Jesus! Be awed by Him!  

3. If the very men who murdered Jesus could be forgiven, then what sinner is beyond the reach of God’s mercy?  His prayer gives hope to every sinner who would ever come to Him for forgiveness.  Turn from your sin to Jesus Christ.  Put your faith in Jesus Christ and be saved. 

4. If you’re a believer, how can we follow in Christ’s footsteps? 

Christ’s words are compelling proof of His love for sinners.  They convict us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us – as he taught us and shows us here (Luke 6:27-28).  Return good for evil.  Pray for your enemies.  Forgive.  We have no right to withhold forgiveness from others seeing how much we have been forgiven!  Who do you need to forgive?  Ask Jesus to help you.

5. Read Luke 23:39-43.  Jesus was crucified with two criminals.  At first both “reviled” Him (Matt 27:44).  But at some point, one had a change of heart.  How do we see his faith? 

First, we see his faith in his rebuke.  1) There is a sudden reverence, “Have you no fear of God!”  It’s amazing that he sees God is with Jesus despite the fact that Jesus is being crucified and condemned by the religious leaders.  2) There is repentance – “We are getting what we deserve!”  3) There is recognition that Jesus is innocent.  “This man has done nothing wrong.”  He can see that Jesus is hanging on that cross because of other men’s crimes.  Not his own!  He is righteous and being punished for the sins of others.  That’s the gospel!

Second, we see his faith in his appeal to Jesus.  He says, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”  This is amazing!  He knows three things about Jesus.  1) He knows Jesus is a King! 2) He knows that His kingdom is not of this world.  Jesus is dying yet the criminal knows this is not the end for Jesus.  He will come into His kingdom beyond the grave.  3) He knows this King has the power to save even the most unworthy sinner.  Otherwise, why would he plead with Jesus to remember him? 

This is incredible!  The thief believes Jesus is a King who will come into His kingdom after the crucifixion!  He believes this will not be the end for Jesus!  Jesus will be victorious over death.  So, he appeals to Jesus to remember him when He comes into His kingdom.  He believes Jesus can bring him into His kingdom!  He believes all this despite the fact that Jesus was hanging on a cross surrounded by people cursing him as a fraud!  He believes even though all the circumstances say otherwise!  This is tremendous faith.   How does a person receive salvation and enter the Kingdom of God? We are forgiven, saved, and enter the Kingdom by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  That is the gospel.

6. In response to his faith Jesus says, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” What does this teach us?  How does this give comfort and assurance to believers? 

  • Note the certainty – Jesus says, “Truly I say unto you.” 
  • Note the timing – Jesus says, “Today.”  The moment you die, you will be in Paradise. 
  • Note the relationship – Jesus says, “you will be with me.”  In whom is fullness of joy!! (Ps 16:11).  Note the glory – Jesus says, “with me in Paradise.”  Free from all pain.  Full of all joy. 

This is an amazing assurance for all those who have faith in Jesus Christ!!!  Behold Jesus your Savior King!  Even during the pain of the cross Jesus is doing His Father’s work!  For He came to seek and to save the lost!  Just a few hours from death, struggling for breath, racked with pain – Jesus brings a common thief into the glorious Kingdom of God!   Jesus is so worthy of our admiration & worship. 

7. Does the assurance Jesus gives mean we can live however we want to and still enter heaven? What does it mean to serve Jesus as King? 

Summary:   Though his faith is remarkable, the thief’s deathbed conversion is not ideal.  Why? Because we may die before having a chance to repent & believe, and because his life was wasted in sin when it could have been lived in service to the King – for God’s glory and other’s good. 1) Still, if the thief can be forgiven so can you!  Put your faith in Jesus for salvation.  2) If you are in Christ, rest in the assurance of your salvation and place in Jesus’ kingdom.  The moment you die you will be with Christ in Paradise.  You have nothing to fear from death!  This gives strength in tribulation.  It gives joy in persecution.  It gives comfort in the hour of death.  Live for your King!

Jesus was on the cross for roughly six hours.  Darkness covered the land from the 6th hour (around noon) to the 9th hour (mid-afternoon) (v.44).  This wasn’t an eclipse, which only last a few minutes.  This was supernatural darkness lasting three hours during the brightest part of the day. A sign of God’s judgment and God’s grief in the death of His Son.  “Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice said, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!’ And having said this he breathed his last.”  Seeing these things, the centurion said, “Certainly this man was innocent.” The crowds went home beating their chests (Luke 23:48), grieved at what took place.  Jesus’ friends “stood at a distance watching,” (Luke 23:49) stunned and confused.

B. Singing:  Consider one or more of the following songs

C. Prayer: Use the Scriptures to guide your prayers of praise and petition. 

Jesus, thank you for interceding for us as our Great High Priest.  Thank you for dying for us as the final and all-sufficient sacrifice for sins.  Thank you for the assurance you give to all true believers of welcome into your kingdom when we die.  Jesus, you are prophet, priest, and king.  Fill us with reverence and awe at who you are!  Increase our faith!  Teach us to forgive.  Please help us to serve you faithfully.  Give us the grace to follow in your footsteps.  In Jesus Name, Amen.